Monday, October 15, 2012


For someone who complains about never knowing what to read next...
For someone who decided she'd co-write a book review blog to keep this same feeling from other readers...
For someone who has read thousands of books and should be able to quickly pull one from her repertoire...

I make a pretty lousy book review blogger.

I apologize.

But, to make up for it, I bring you the very book that would have kept me from neglecting it, if I had only heeded it's suggestions. I shall really try to follow it's gentle guidance better in the future.

Don't be put off by the browny-blah cover, or the fact that this book is really, rather old. And don't keep away because it has an intimidating title and is rumored to be a tragedy intended to purge you from ever desiring to procrastinate.

This book is a gem. I don't say that about a lot of books, especially ones from this particular period of christian prose. But this one? This one was a little ahead it's time.

Tomorrow ...

It's a tragic comedy really. An over-exaggerated tale of adventure and misfortune, its full of long winded speeches, and an almost slap stick variety of humor.It keeps you rather breathless, and the end? Remarkably brilliant.

I firmly believe that this should be added to every families read aloud book list. That it should be laughed at, acted out, and perhaps someday be thrown across the big screen. It's good stuff.

So there, off you go. Get yourself a copy. I'm not telling you anymore, because, well, if I told you anything it would give everything away, and that's something I won't do. Now, go before I use anymore quantifiers.


Small Print: None of the above images are ours, but are courtesy of